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 Happy Hearts


Love Jesus, Love Others, Love Learning!

The children will learn in a small group environment being taught by experienced instructors who are passionate about teaching and training children to be independent thinkers. After class each day, your child will be sent home with activities and home work to be completed on the days outside of class days.  In the beginning of the semester, our instructors will be paying close attention to the way each child learns and the type of learning style best suited for that individual child in order to recommend specific activities to enhance our program at home. Some examples of

take-home work may include both academic and enrichment activities: phonics, math, reading readiness, sequencing, visual/auditory processing, visualizing/verbalizing, gardening, cooking, woodworking, art and science experiments, and much more. These activities will be planned out in detail for the parents, and the materials needed for each assignment will be part of the required supply list provided at the beginning of each semester, so they will be readily available when the time comes. Parents will be provided with updates and progress reports on a regular basis. In addition, we plan to incorporate an entrepreneurship project in which children will create/build/design an item or items and then have the opportunity to sell their creations to others. Our desire is to develop the "whole self" of every child, so we also plan to have our children participate in a community service project aimed at their age level and understanding, such as a Christmas toy drive for families in need.

How it works

Our Teaching Style

Our goal is to equip your children with what they need to learn academically, emotionally, and socially by teaching them with methods incorporating how they learn best- through hands-on, out-of-the-classroom, real-life experiences - in a Christian atmosphere. We use a hybrid-style approach, which incorporates both instructor-led and discovery-driven experiences because we believe children learn best in a multisensory environment. Therefore, we pull our ideas from Montessori methods, Charlotte Mason style, nature school activities, emergent school philosophies, and others.


"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children..."

                                           Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Curriculum We Use

We will be using multiple curriculums because there are several we really love and want to pull the best out of each.

Our Goal

Simple. We want to raise up well rounded individuals who love Jesus, learning and are confident in their strengths thereby becoming the leaders in their chosen fields in the next generation. 


Our objective of this school is to foster a lifelong love of learning in children, preserve childhood and help parents homeschool their children,   thereby creating happy hearts in children and their parents!


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"A happy heart makes the face cheerful..."                                                                       Proverbs 15:13

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